Research We Can All Use
First off, Slashdot points us to this very important bit of research... How to write unmaintainable code. Before you go there thinking this will actually be an informative article on good programming practices, think again. This really is an informative article on bad programming practices, and why you would want to use them. If you read this, and then say to yourself, "Gee, I should start doing this stuff too", then stop coming here. I don't ever want to see you again. OK... maybe it's mostly written tongue in cheek... but I am serious about disowning you. Don't think I won't.
On a more serious note, the Microsoft Font Blog has an interesting post on the way that we raed mssipelled words. It's actually very enlightening, and a pretty cool look into how our brains work. As a small aside, after reading this I don't feel nearly as bad about how I sometimes have to correct my blog weeks later. Being somewhat of a perfectionist, I often times get upset at myself when I re-read what I've written and find little spelling goofs (and quickly correct them, even weeks later). I do edit my work when I write it, but my eyes often times glance over casual mistakes because the thoughts that I wrote are still fresh in my head, and I still see those thoughts on the screen, instead of the actual words.
On a more serious note, the Microsoft Font Blog has an interesting post on the way that we raed mssipelled words. It's actually very enlightening, and a pretty cool look into how our brains work. As a small aside, after reading this I don't feel nearly as bad about how I sometimes have to correct my blog weeks later. Being somewhat of a perfectionist, I often times get upset at myself when I re-read what I've written and find little spelling goofs (and quickly correct them, even weeks later). I do edit my work when I write it, but my eyes often times glance over casual mistakes because the thoughts that I wrote are still fresh in my head, and I still see those thoughts on the screen, instead of the actual words.
First off, Slashdot points us to this very important bit of research... How to write unmaintainable code.
I forgot about this... CLASSIC!
Aaron, at November 21, 2005 5:18 PM
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